Diesel Maintenance

Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

Do You Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

If you are the owner or operator of a small business, the idea of having spare trucks and equipment might seem like a crazy notion. Once your operation grows a bit, however, the questions about extra capacity become more realistic and tangible. spare trucks and equipment from valley power systems In fact, some of our customers would certainly claim that they need to have extra trucks or engines to work with. There could be several reasons, including:
  • A need to substitute equipment at depots or jobsites because of breakdowns
  • Seasonal or unpredictable spikes in demand for transportation or other services
  • High costs associated with missed deliveries or deadlines
  • A desire to make budgets more...
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Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

5 Ways Buying Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

The business owners and managers we work with know that buying diesel trucks or other pieces of heavy equipment is a big decision. But sometimes they might not realize just how big that decision will be, and all the ways that it will eventually affect their bottom line. If anything, they tend to focus on the sticker price of the particular model and look for ways to decrease the immediate financial hit. repairing diesel equipment That’s certainly a good thing to do, but it sometimes misses the point. That’s because, in the long run, what you pay for a particular truck or engine might not be the factor that determines whether you get good value or not. The ongoing running costs add up over time, to the point that they might go far beyond your original...
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The 4 Phases of a Diesel Engine Investment

The 4 Phases of a Diesel Engine Investment

You don’t need us to tell you that investing in a heavy-duty diesel engine – or a piece of equipment that has one – is a big deal. Not only are there financial considerations for your company, but you’ll obviously be looking for a certain standard of performance and reliability that will hold up for years to come. Knowing this, you might assume that business owners and executives would have a set process for making decisions about what to buy, or how to maintain such an expensive piece of capital equipment. In our experience, however, many of them are flying blind. They work off gut instincts rather than plans and numbers, which leads them to make decisions that can hurt them in the long run. We want to help you avoid this tendency. In today’s post we are going to...
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What Makes or Breaks an Engine Overhaul?

What Makes or Breaks an Engine Overhaul?

Modern machinery is an amazing thing. With thousands of years of experience in engineering behind us, we can mold a relatively small amount of metal into an amazing volume of horsepower and put it to specific uses. Not only that, but we can run our devices for hundreds of thousands of miles and expect them to work reliably. engine overhaul valley power system However, even the most carefully designed and constructed machinery is going to need serious attention at some point. You can prolong the life of a heavy diesel engine, generator, or marine power unit with careful maintenance, but eventually you’re going to be looking at an overhaul. Otherwise the wear and tear on pistons and other moving parts could render your engines unreliable. Anyone who has worked in a business that requires heavy machinery knows that budgeting time and...
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7 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Buying Engines and Generators

7 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Buying Engines and Generators

Buying engines and generators for your company isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are literally hundreds of different choices, and some of the terms and comparisons you come across may not be familiar. Making things even tougher is the fact that each decision could impact your annual budget for years to come. After all, engines and generators aren’t just expensive today; they require fuel and maintenance going forward. engines and generators In the corporate world these sorts of decisions fall into the category of capital purchases. That means they involve a lot of money and can make or break the future of your enterprise. Unfortunately, you might not have a team of accountants and performance specialists on staff. So, you could be left choosing between various models and components on your own. We don’t want to see you...
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