
Winter Power Outages: Be Prepared

Winter Power Outages: Be Prepared

According to Climate Central, with data collected from the nation’s major utility companies, winter weather has been the cause of 22% of power outages in the United States over the past 21 years. California is among the top states that experiences the most weather-related power outages.  The surge in these power outages can be linked to extreme weather changes, such as heat waves, ice storms, hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires, which have grown in intensity over the years due to climate change. The nation’s electrical infrastructure isn’t equipped to handle the increase in electricity demand when these events occur, often leading to power outages for hours, days, and in some cases, even weeks. industrial diesel generator for winter power outages You don’t want to be unprepared when an outage happens. The best way to protect yourself, your...
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Do You Need a New Standby Commercial Generator?

Do You Need a New Standby Commercial Generator?

A sudden loss of power can be devastating for businesses, especially when power outages last for hours, or even days, on end. If you do not have a reliable standby generator already in place, your company could experience significant financial losses while you wait for power to be restored to your facility. Investing in an emergency power system can ensure that your operations can continue without disruption. standby generator by valley power systems There are many different generators on the market. To make the best purchase decision, you will need to consider several factors.

Generator Size

Commercial generator systems come in a wide range of sizes and power capacities. Typically, larger generators will be able to manage a greater power load than smaller models. For commercial business owners, you will want to opt for a genset that will be able to handle your most critical power requirements to keep...
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Reasons Industrial Generators Fail

5 Common Reasons Industrial Generators Fail

Is your industrial generator not working as expected? Perhaps it is struggling to power up, or maybe it is failing to turn on completely. Without a properly working generator, you put your business at risk. Power outages are on the rise in California, and you don’t want to be left in the dark should the unexpected happen. A prolonged blackout can cause your company thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars in lost production. At Valley Power Systems, we want to help our customers avoid unnecessary downtime and protect their bottom line. Knowing the reasons your generator could be malfunctioning can help you address the issue before the next power outage occurs. Here are five of the most common generator issues. valley power systems back generators

1. Battery Malfunctions

Battery problems are a frequent culprit when industrial generators fail. Various factors can adversely impact battery performance, such as loose wires...
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8 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

8 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

Your power generator works hard to keep your business up and running when you need an alternative power source, such as during a power outage. Over time, it will experience wear and tear and eventually require a repair to maintain its reliability. Timely repairs will minimize downtime for your business, reducing any financial impact that could be caused by a power disruption. It is essential to recognize when you need a repair to prevent smaller problems from progressing into larger, more expensive ones. Here are the top signs you need a generator repair. generator repair by valley power systems

1. Power Fluctuations

If your generator struggles to start or powers on and off randomly, you should have a trained generator technician assess the system. This could be an indicator of a larger issue. You don’t want to have to worry that your system will fail when you need...
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Natural Gas Generator Maintenance: Get Prepared This Fall

Natural Gas Generator Maintenance: Get Prepared This Fall

With fall now underway, it’s a great time to consider maintenance for your natural gas power system. Power outages are more likely to occur when freezing temperatures hit, but a well-functioning generator can make sure that your business isn’t left in the dark. Like any electrical system, these units require regular maintenance to perform at their best and prevent breakdowns when you need them most. When the main power grid fails, your standby generator can power your equipment and critical business systems so that you can continue your operations with minimal interruption. With comprehensive maintenance from Valley Power Systems, you can ensure that your generator is prepared for the cold weather months ahead. We strive to be your partner in power no matter what the year brings.  natural gas generator maintenance Here are some of the top maintenance tasks...
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