Tag Archives: california power solutions

Do You Need a New Standby Commercial Generator?

Do You Need a New Standby Commercial Generator?

A sudden loss of power can be devastating for businesses, especially when power outages last for hours, or even days, on end. If you do not have a reliable standby generator already in place, your company could experience significant financial losses while you wait for power to be restored to your facility. Investing in an emergency power system can ensure that your operations can continue without disruption. standby generator by valley power systems There are many different generators on the market. To make the best purchase decision, you will need to consider several factors.

Generator Size

Commercial generator systems come in a wide range of sizes and power capacities. Typically, larger generators will be able to manage a greater power load than smaller models. For commercial business owners, you will want to opt for a genset that will be able to handle your most critical power requirements to keep...
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8 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

8 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

Your power generator works hard to keep your business up and running when you need an alternative power source, such as during a power outage. Over time, it will experience wear and tear and eventually require a repair to maintain its reliability. Timely repairs will minimize downtime for your business, reducing any financial impact that could be caused by a power disruption. It is essential to recognize when you need a repair to prevent smaller problems from progressing into larger, more expensive ones. Here are the top signs you need a generator repair. generator repair by valley power systems

1. Power Fluctuations

If your generator struggles to start or powers on and off randomly, you should have a trained generator technician assess the system. This could be an indicator of a larger issue. You don’t want to have to worry that your system will fail when you need...
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Ensuring Safety in Commercial Generator Operation

Ensuring Safety in Commercial Generator Operation

Your commercial generator power system is essential to maintain uninterrupted business operations when the main power grid fails. These heavy-duty machines can provide you with a reliable source of power to keep your critical business systems running, even in adverse weather conditions. However, operating a large commercial generator carries certain risks, so safety should be a top priority to protect yourself, your employees, and your property. Here are the key safety considerations to keep in mind when using one of these powerful machines at your California facility. commercial generator safety by valley power systems

Proper Generator Installation

If you have just purchased a commercial generator, you will need to ensure it is installed properly. It should be set up according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and local building codes. It is essential to place the generator in a well-ventilated area that is at least 15 to 20 feet from any doors,...
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5 Signs It’s Time to Invest in a New Standby Commercial Generator

5 Signs It’s Time to Invest in a New Standby Commercial Generator

Your standby commercial generator is one of your company’s most vital pieces of equipment. It ensures that your facility has a continuous, uninterrupted power supply during any sudden power outages that might occur in the area. Without it, your company could face thousands of dollars in lost productivity until the main power grid is restored, which could take hours, even days. However, like any of your critical business equipment, generators wear down over time and become less efficient, so they will eventually require a replacement.  standby commercial generator Knowing exactly when to replace your generator can be tricky. After all, a new commercial standby generator is a substantial investment, and you don’t want to purchase a new one if your current unit still has years of effective use left. At Valley Power Systems, we want to help...
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Summer 2023 Generator Maintenance

Summer 2023: How to Improve Your Generator’s Efficiency

Summer is here, which means increased energy costs for businesses all throughout California. This is a great time of year to consider how you can improve the efficiency of your generator power system. At Valley Power Systems, we know that taking the proper steps will not only help your unit operate more efficiently, but it will also save you on summer portable standby generator energy expenses and maximize the lifespan of your generator. Here are our best tips for improving the efficiency of your power system just in time for the scorching summer months ahead. 

Maintain Clean Air Filters

Dirty air filters are a top contributor to reduced efficiency for generator power systems. Your filters are designed to trap dust, dirt, and other debris to keep these particles from damaging the engine. However, a dirty filter will limit airflow...
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