Tag Archives: diesel engine

5 Things to Look for in a Diesel Truck Dealer

The 5 Things You Should Look for in a Diesel Truck Dealer

It’s certainly not difficult to find someone to sell you a diesel truck, or perhaps several of them, for your company. But, choosing the right diesel truck dealership isn’t necessarily a matter of finding the closest business or digging around for the lowest price. That’s because diesel truck dealerships are like any other category of company. Some are more knowledgeable and trustworthy than others. In a perfect world, you’d be able to work with anyone and get the right terms, one-on-one attention, and follow-up service. But as we all know, not everyone will stand behind their word… or the products they sell. [caption id="attachment_3214" align="alignright" width="300"]diesel truck dealer valley power systems diesel truck dealership[/caption] The point we are trying to make here is that it can be very easy to find a diesel truck dealership, but not necessarily...
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Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

Do You Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

If you are the owner or operator of a small business, the idea of having spare trucks and equipment might seem like a crazy notion. Once your operation grows a bit, however, the questions about extra capacity become more realistic and tangible. spare trucks and equipment from valley power systems In fact, some of our customers would certainly claim that they need to have extra trucks or engines to work with. There could be several reasons, including:
  • A need to substitute equipment at depots or jobsites because of breakdowns
  • Seasonal or unpredictable spikes in demand for transportation or other services
  • High costs associated with missed deliveries or deadlines
  • A desire to make budgets more...
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Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

5 Ways Buying Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

The business owners and managers we work with know that buying diesel trucks or other pieces of heavy equipment is a big decision. But sometimes they might not realize just how big that decision will be, and all the ways that it will eventually affect their bottom line. If anything, they tend to focus on the sticker price of the particular model and look for ways to decrease the immediate financial hit. repairing diesel equipment That’s certainly a good thing to do, but it sometimes misses the point. That’s because, in the long run, what you pay for a particular truck or engine might not be the factor that determines whether you get good value or not. The ongoing running costs add up over time, to the point that they might go far beyond your original...
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Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

If your commercial generator engine doesn’t have a healthy fuel system, it may struggle to perform efficiently. Depending on the severity of the issue, it could even experience complete mechanical failure. This could leave your business without the power you need during the most critical times, such as a power outage. Your standby power system requires optimal fuel quality to deliver the best performance during emergency situations. Fuel, however, degrades over time, so the fuel system needs constant monitoring, testing, and cleaning to ensure reliability. Here are some solutions to consider for maintaining your fuel system.

Use Carburetor Cleaners

A gas engine will include a carburetor. When a generator won’t start up, a clogged carburetor is often the culprit. To keep the carburetor components clean, you should use a carburetor and fuel system cleaner. These contain a unique mixture of cleaners and lubricants that’s designed to keep the...
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Diesel Engine Maintenance: The Basics

Diesel Engine Maintenance: The Basics

A well-maintained diesel engine can serve your business for many years. While these machines are widely known for their superior durability and high-quality performance, they can begin to wear down during their normal use. To keep your engine running at its best, getting routine diesel engine maintenance is essential. Here are some simple maintenance tips every business owner should know to care for a diesel engine.

1. Get Timely Oil Changes

Most manufacturers recommend changing oil every 3-5,000 miles or so. You may need to do this more often in severe driving conditions, such as:
  • Extremely hot or cold weather
  • Frequent stop-go driving in traffic
  • Towing trailers or other heavy vehicles regularly
Oil degrades over time, making it less effective at its job. Without periodic changes, the oil will thicken, creating sludge and other deposits that can have a disastrous effect on your engine. Fresh oil will keep your engine components clean and lubricated. This will help the engine...
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