Tag Archives: gas generators

Reasons Industrial Generators Fail

5 Common Reasons Industrial Generators Fail

Is your industrial generator not working as expected? Perhaps it is struggling to power up, or maybe it is failing to turn on completely. Without a properly working generator, you put your business at risk. Power outages are on the rise in California, and you don’t want to be left in the dark should the unexpected happen. A prolonged blackout can cause your company thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars in lost production. At Valley Power Systems, we want to help our customers avoid unnecessary downtime and protect their bottom line. Knowing the reasons your generator could be malfunctioning can help you address the issue before the next power outage occurs. Here are five of the most common generator issues. valley power systems back generators

1. Battery Malfunctions

Battery problems are a frequent culprit when industrial generators fail. Various factors can adversely impact battery performance, such as loose wires...
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Generator Technology: Remote Monitoring

Generator Technology: Remote Monitoring

As a business owner, you are responsible for the daily operations of your company. This can keep you busy with various tasks throughout the day, and you probably come and go frequently to handle important matters off-site. This means that you may not always be available to manage every situation that could arise at your facility. remote-monitoring-generator-system-valley-power-systems The last thing that you want to worry about is what will happen during a power outage if you’re unavailable. A backup power generator can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your operations can continue without interruption. A large, industrial-grade generator can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to keep you in business, but this doesn’t mean you have to be just as available.  Today, remote monitoring systems can help you manage the generator without needing to be on-site. This provides...
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Summer 2023 Generator Maintenance

Summer 2023: How to Improve Your Generator’s Efficiency

Summer is here, which means increased energy costs for businesses all throughout California. This is a great time of year to consider how you can improve the efficiency of your generator power system. At Valley Power Systems, we know that taking the proper steps will not only help your unit operate more efficiently, but it will also save you on summer portable standby generator energy expenses and maximize the lifespan of your generator. Here are our best tips for improving the efficiency of your power system just in time for the scorching summer months ahead. 

Maintain Clean Air Filters

Dirty air filters are a top contributor to reduced efficiency for generator power systems. Your filters are designed to trap dust, dirt, and other debris to keep these particles from damaging the engine. However, a dirty filter will limit airflow...
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