How Your Business Can Start Thinking About a Net-Zero Power World

California’s net-zero energy policy – which aims to balance all carbon emissions within the state by 2045 – has produced mixed reactions from business leaders. Some applaud the attempt to move toward climate-friendly equipment policies. Others might worry what the net-zero power valley power systemschanges will mean for their capital costs, not to mention the logistics of transportation and day-to-day operations. Many are undoubtedly taking a “wait-and-see” approach. Regardless of opinion, however, one thing is clear: some version of this rule (and others like it) are going to arrive in the near future. The question for those in industry, then, isn’t whether to accept the change but how fast to adapt. That’s certainly the approach we are taking at Valley Power. Although we have traditionally supplied and serviced diesel engines and generators, our real mission is to ensure...
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