Tag Archives: power equipment

Truck and Equipment Purchases

7 Reasons Truck and Equipment Purchases go Wrong

Buying a diesel truck or a piece of heavy equipment for your business is a big decision. It’s not the sort of thing that business owners and operations managers take lightly – there are usually hundreds of thousands of dollars involved. And yet, there are times when these investments go wrong. As experienced diesel engine and generator dealers, we have firsthand experience. We often meet with new customers who turned to us after having made the wrong choice elsewhere. That makes it harder for them to not only choose and afford the right piece of equipment, but also to trust in our advice and their own instincts. valley power systems - truck and equipment In other words, making the wrong capital buying decision hurts everyone involved. So how can you avoid an unfortunate choice? From our perspective, there are...
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Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

Do You Need Spare Trucks or Equipment for Your Company?

If you are the owner or operator of a small business, the idea of having spare trucks and equipment might seem like a crazy notion. Once your operation grows a bit, however, the questions about extra capacity become more realistic and tangible. spare trucks and equipment from valley power systems In fact, some of our customers would certainly claim that they need to have extra trucks or engines to work with. There could be several reasons, including:
  • A need to substitute equipment at depots or jobsites because of breakdowns
  • Seasonal or unpredictable spikes in demand for transportation or other services
  • High costs associated with missed deliveries or deadlines
  • A desire to make budgets more...
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