Tag Archives: power failures

Generator Failure; Top Reasons Why They Fail

Top Reasons for Generator Failure

Your commercial generator is a heavy-duty piece of equipment. Like all devices, it will wear down eventually and begin to exhibit signs of declining performance. This can result in unexpected shutdowns, negatively impacting your productivity and overall bottom line. There are various reasons that a generator may fail, but being proactive about generator maintenance and repairs can help you avoid breakdowns and maximize the lifespan of your system. generator failure top reasons why by valley power systems

Leaks in the System

Oil, fuel, and coolant leaks are a common concern with industrial generators. Leaks will make your power system less efficient as it is forced to work harder to perform at the same level. This increases energy usage and fluid consumption. If leaks are not repaired quickly, they can cause damage to your system, resulting in much wear and tear and,...
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Top 5 Reasons to Invest in a Diesel Commercial Generator

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in a Diesel Commercial Generator

Is it time to purchase a generator for your business? Commercial power systems are a great investment that will pay off well in the years to come. They ensure that your facility always has access to a reliable source of power, even when the main electrical grid fails in your area. You won’t have to worry about your operations being interrupted for hours, or even days, while the local utility technicians work to restore power. You will have your own industrial genset on-site and ready to use when you need it most, providing you with great peace of mind. commercial diesel generator As you research your options for a generator, you will find that there are many makes and models that are available on the market today. Generators also come in varying power capacities and have different optional...
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Truck and Equipment Purchases

7 Reasons Truck and Equipment Purchases go Wrong

Buying a diesel truck or a piece of heavy equipment for your business is a big decision. It’s not the sort of thing that business owners and operations managers take lightly – there are usually hundreds of thousands of dollars involved. And yet, there are times when these investments go wrong. As experienced diesel engine and generator dealers, we have firsthand experience. We often meet with new customers who turned to us after having made the wrong choice elsewhere. That makes it harder for them to not only choose and afford the right piece of equipment, but also to trust in our advice and their own instincts. valley power systems - truck and equipment In other words, making the wrong capital buying decision hurts everyone involved. So how can you avoid an unfortunate choice? From our perspective, there are...
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Commercial Backup Generator Buyers’ Guide

Factors When Choosing a Commercial Backup Generator

Delta reported a $150 million loss when its Atlanta operations center experienced a power failure for just five hours in 2016. Regardless of what kind of industry they’re in, business owners can agree that time spent without electricity is money lost. However, a power outage looks different for every company. If you are in the food industry, a power outage can mean losing refrigeration or heat sources, leading to the loss of groceries and the inability to prepare food. In the manufacturing industry, a power outage results in commercial backup generatormachinery downtime, which renders your company incapable of meeting consumer demands. For professional services, a power loss may lead to data losses that cost you valuable time. The effects of power outages vary significantly from one business to the other. The key to keeping everything up and running throughout the duration is investing in the right commercial...
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Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

If your commercial generator engine doesn’t have a healthy fuel system, it may struggle to perform efficiently. Depending on the severity of the issue, it could even experience complete mechanical failure. This could leave your business without the power you need during the most critical times, such as a power outage. Your standby power system requires optimal fuel quality to deliver the best performance during emergency situations. Fuel, however, degrades over time, so the fuel system needs constant monitoring, testing, and cleaning to ensure reliability. Here are some solutions to consider for maintaining your fuel system.

Use Carburetor Cleaners

A gas engine will include a carburetor. When a generator won’t start up, a clogged carburetor is often the culprit. To keep the carburetor components clean, you should use a carburetor and fuel system cleaner. These contain a unique mixture of cleaners and lubricants that’s designed to keep the...
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