Diesel Maintenance

Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

Keeping Your Commercial Engine’s Fuel System Clean

If your commercial generator engine doesn’t have a healthy fuel system, it may struggle to perform efficiently. Depending on the severity of the issue, it could even experience complete mechanical failure. This could leave your business without the power you need during the most critical times, such as a power outage. Your standby power system requires optimal fuel quality to deliver the best performance during emergency situations. Fuel, however, degrades over time, so the fuel system needs constant monitoring, testing, and cleaning to ensure reliability. Here are some solutions to consider for maintaining your fuel system.

Use Carburetor Cleaners

A gas engine will include a carburetor. When a generator won’t start up, a clogged carburetor is often the culprit. To keep the carburetor components clean, you should use a carburetor and fuel system cleaner. These contain a unique mixture of cleaners and lubricants that’s designed to keep the...
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Overheating Diesel-Powered Generators

7 Ways to Prevent Overheating Your Diesel-Powered Generator

Industrial diesel powered generators are powerful machines that are well-known for their durability, long lifespan, and reliable performance. However, like any electrical equipment, they can wear down and experience mechanical problems over time. diesel powered generatorOverheating is a top contributor to generator failure that can be caused by poor maintenance, improper use of the unit, and other issues.

 What Happens When a Diesel Powered Generator Overheats?

If your generator is overheating, the internal components will be exposed to higher temperatures, which can cause extreme damage to the unit. Overheating can result in problems like:
  • Burnt alternator
  • Warped rotors
  • Melted bearings
  • Cracked head gasket
  • Damaged radiator core
When a generator overheats, it may shut down, leaving your business without the power source it needs in an emergency. You may experience significant financial losses due to this unexpected downtime while you wait for the repairs to be completed. If the...
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Best Fuel for Your Generator

Choosing the Best Fuel Option for Your Generator

When you purchase a new generator, one of the most important considerations that you’ll need to make is which fuel it will use. Each fuel type offers distinctive benefits. While there isn’t a “wrong” choice, the right one for you will depend on your facility’s power needs, your budget, and your individual preferences. Industrial standby generators typically run off natural gas or diesel fuel.

Benefits of Natural Gas

Many business owners rely on natural gas for their backup power systems. Natural gas offers a number of benefits, including:
  • Consistent Fuel Supply: Natural gas runs through a pipeline system that’s already in place, making it very convenient for business owners who don’t want to worry about storing fuel on-site.
  • Minimized Noise Levels: Generators that use natural gas tend to make less noise than their diesel counterparts.
  • Clean Fuel Source: Natural gas is a clean-burning fossil fuel that generates significantly less air pollution than diesel fuel.
  • ...
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Winterization Tips for Diesel Power Systems

Winterization Tips for Diesel Power Systems

As temperatures drop this winter, you’ll want to make sure your diesel generator has been properly winterized. Whether it’s a portable or standby unit, it needs to be ready to endure the colder weather so that it will run when you need it most. You don’t want to be stuck without power should an outage occur. A power failure can have a substantial impact on your operation. It’s best to prepare ahead of time with these tips to keep your power system running during the winter months and avoid winterization. winterization - standby generator in snow

Perform an Inspection

The first thing you should do is complete a visual inspection of the unit. Check all components of the power system and take note of any obvious signs of deterioration, like worn connections or cracked hoses. These should be replaced right away to prevent further performance issues.

Replace Filters

Filters keep out dust,...
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Diesel Engine Maintenance: The Basics

Diesel Engine Maintenance: The Basics

A well-maintained diesel engine can serve your business for many years. While these machines are widely known for their superior durability and high-quality performance, they can begin to wear down during their normal use. To keep your engine running at its best, getting routine diesel engine maintenance is essential. Here are some simple maintenance tips every business owner should know to care for a diesel engine.

1. Get Timely Oil Changes

Most manufacturers recommend changing oil every 3-5,000 miles or so. You may need to do this more often in severe driving conditions, such as:
  • Extremely hot or cold weather
  • Frequent stop-go driving in traffic
  • Towing trailers or other heavy vehicles regularly
Oil degrades over time, making it less effective at its job. Without periodic changes, the oil will thicken, creating sludge and other deposits that can have a disastrous effect on your engine. Fresh oil will keep your engine components clean and lubricated. This will help the engine...
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