power solutions

Spring Generator Maintenance Tips

Top Spring Generator Maintenance Tips

As winter comes to an end, millions of Americans are engaging in spring cleaning. For business owners, this can mean caring for critical electrical systems. One important task that you will want to remember is your spring generator maintenance. A power outage can outdoor generator happen at any time in California, and regular maintenance can ensure that your unit is in top working order to support your business until the power is restored. Follow these tips from Valley Power Systems to keep your commercial generator running smoothly throughout the year. 

1. Change the Oil

Your generator’s oil should be changed after so many service hours (depending on the manufacturer), but if it has been a while, spring is a great time to get back on track with your unit’s oil changes. Keeping your system lubricated will reduce the wear and tear...
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Buy the Right Diesel Truck

Why You Need to Buy the Right Truck the First Time

Thinking about investing in a diesel truck for your business? That’s exciting, but it’s also a decision you’ll need to consider from several different angles. You’ve probably already made a list of requirements and put together a budget. But we would also encourage you to talk to a trusted dealer, visit a few colleagues, and even check on details like financing, insurance, and maintenance. We advise all of this caution because it’s important to get the diesel truck you need on the first attempt. There are a lot of decisions in your business that can be changed or reconsidered later, but buying heavy equipment is a bit different. If you can make the right call the first time, it’s going to not only provide you with better value, but also make everything that comes later much easier. diesel truck sales valley... 						
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Truck and Equipment Purchases

7 Reasons Truck and Equipment Purchases go Wrong

Buying a diesel truck or a piece of heavy equipment for your business is a big decision. It’s not the sort of thing that business owners and operations managers take lightly – there are usually hundreds of thousands of dollars involved. And yet, there are times when these investments go wrong. As experienced diesel engine and generator dealers, we have firsthand experience. We often meet with new customers who turned to us after having made the wrong choice elsewhere. That makes it harder for them to not only choose and afford the right piece of equipment, but also to trust in our advice and their own instincts. valley power systems - truck and equipment In other words, making the wrong capital buying decision hurts everyone involved. So how can you avoid an unfortunate choice? From our perspective, there are...
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Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

5 Ways Buying Diesel Equipment Affects Your Bottom Line

The business owners and managers we work with know that buying diesel trucks or other pieces of heavy equipment is a big decision. But sometimes they might not realize just how big that decision will be, and all the ways that it will eventually affect their bottom line. If anything, they tend to focus on the sticker price of the particular model and look for ways to decrease the immediate financial hit. repairing diesel equipment That’s certainly a good thing to do, but it sometimes misses the point. That’s because, in the long run, what you pay for a particular truck or engine might not be the factor that determines whether you get good value or not. The ongoing running costs add up over time, to the point that they might go far beyond your original...
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3 Things You Might Not Have Known About Valley Power

3 Things You Might Not Have Known About Valley Power

Hardly a week goes by without us hearing a customer say something like: “Wow, I didn’t know Valley Power could do that.” That kind of feedback always seems like a mixed bag. On the one hand, we love valley power systems discovering that we can surprise and delight customers with unexpected extras and attention. It’s always great when we go the extra mile and get recognized for it. But on the other hand, we wish everyone knew all the different services we have to offer. It would mean more business for us, of course, but also more ways to serve the people and companies who keep us running. For that reason, today’s post won’t focus on a specific product or process. Instead, we want to point out a few things you might not know about our company and what...
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