fuel usage

Common Natural Gas Generator Issues

Common Natural Gas Generator Issues

Your natural gas generator is an important part of your business. During an outage, it provides the backup power you need to keep your operations running without disruption, protecting your bottom line. However, generators are heavy-duty machines that are subjected to much wear and tear over the years. They require regular maintenance and repairs to provide optimal performance. natural gas generators Eventually, your generator will begin to show signs of decline, even with the best maintenance program. Many times, these are just an indication that the system needs a repair to get back to working order. Here are some of the top issues to look out for with your natural gas generator:

Contaminated Oil

If your system is showing decreased performance and hasn’t had an oil change in a while, the oil could be contaminated. Over time, oil will collect dirt, dust, water, metal particles, and other residue. These contaminants degrade oil...
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10 Winter Generator Tips for Maintenance

10 Tips for Preparing Your Industrial Generator for Winter

Is your business ready for the cold weather months ahead? The plummeting temperatures can adversely impact your power systems, so it is essential to take steps to winterize them in advance. This is especially true of your industrial generator. The cold weather can make batteries drain faster, thicken oil, gel diesel fuel, and cause other complications that can negatively affect generator reliability. Follow these tips from Valley Power Systems this winter to ensure your unit will work effectively when you need it most. winter generator tips

1. Drain the Fuel Tank

Diesel fuel can gel in cold temperatures, which can clog generator filters and fuel lines. If you won’t be using your unit regularly, you should ensure that the tank is emptied and stored in a safe place during the winter months. For your safety, it’s best to allow a generator technician to handle this...
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Natural Gas Generator Maintenance: Get Prepared This Fall

Natural Gas Generator Maintenance: Get Prepared This Fall

With fall now underway, it’s a great time to consider maintenance for your natural gas power system. Power outages are more likely to occur when freezing temperatures hit, but a well-functioning generator can make sure that your business isn’t left in the dark. Like any electrical system, these units require regular maintenance to perform at their best and prevent breakdowns when you need them most. When the main power grid fails, your standby generator can power your equipment and critical business systems so that you can continue your operations with minimal interruption. With comprehensive maintenance from Valley Power Systems, you can ensure that your generator is prepared for the cold weather months ahead. We strive to be your partner in power no matter what the year brings.  natural gas generator maintenance Here are some of the top maintenance tasks...
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7 Tips for Optimizing Fuel Efficiency

7 Tips for Optimizing Fuel Efficiency for Your Industrial Power System

If you have an industrial-grade generator, you may have some concerns regarding optimizing fuel efficiency. Fuel costs have risen dramatically over the last few years, so you want to save as much money as possible fueling your power system. Does your unit seem to use more fuel today than it did when you first purchased it, even though your power requirements haven’t changed much? This is because these heavy-duty systems can wear down over time, so they must work harder to carry your power load as they age. Optimizing Fuel Efficiency for your California Generator from Valley Power Systems However, there are some things that you can do to optimize fuel efficiency to help reduce utility and fuel costs as well as extend the lifespan of your industrial power system. Follow these tips below, and you’ll...
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What’s the Best Fuel for a Power System?

What’s the Best Fuel for a Power System?

As you search for a new power system for your business, you may be overwhelmed with all of the options available on the market today. One of the most important choices that you will need to make before your purchase is which fuel source you will be using for the unit. Most commercial and industrial companies opt for diesel or natural gas generators. Hybrid models are also becoming increasingly popular. But how do you know which one is best for your business? [caption id="attachment_3248" align="alignright" width="300"]diesel fuel power system by valley power systems emergency generator for uninterruptible power supply, diesel installation in an iron casing with an electric switchboard power management.[/caption] At Valley Power Systems, we want to help you make the best purchase decision. In this blog, we will explore each type of power system as well as some maintenance care tips...
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